Have We Prepared Inheritance for Our Children?
Warren Buffet, in 2008, was named the number one richest person in the world. With the wealth he has, it is certain that he can do and own anything. Let’s look at his lifestyle as the richest person in the world:
- He donated 31 billion dollars for humanity.
- He continues to live in his old house, the little house he bought 50 years ago after getting married.
- He drove his own car without a drive in his old car, without bodyguards.
- He never used a jet plane even though he owned one of the largest jet companies.
- He prefers to go home after work and eat at home.
- He doesn’t use a cell phone, let alone buy the latest models.
Then, what was passed on to his children? He prefers to leave most of his wealth to social agencies rather than to his children.
Why did he do this?
For Warren Buffet, “I give my kids just enough so they can do everything. I don’t give them too much that they feel like they don’t have to do anything.”
How did the children react? His children were willing when his father decided to leave most of his wealth to a charity. This is conclusive evidence that Warren Buffet not only succeeded in building and passing on physical wealth but succeeded in passing on true values for a business opportunity.
Sometimes as parents we try to give our best for our children so that our children are happy. It is a goal in our life. But often we get caught up in giving happiness itself with abundant gifts until we forget to give our children the opportunity to experience the process of achieving happiness itself. They are used to getting results easily. When we get rid of pain, their ability to endure hardships weakens.
- Parents need to allow their children to fail.
- Parents need to let their children fall.
- Parents need to let their children be afraid.
- Parents need to let their children learn to wait.
- Parents need to allow children to face and undergo difficult tasks.
Children must feel that they are accomplishing something on their own. Children should feel proud of their achievements and efforts. Strong self-esteem is the result of an achievement process, not just an affirmation.
If we dare to provide this “process” to children, it is the same as we dare to invest in their happiness in the future.
"Raise your child, and he will give you peace, and bring you joy."
(Proverbs 29:17)
Meyske Ameliayana, M.Psi, Psikolog
Resource :
Tim Elmore, 12 Kesalahan yang bisa dihindari orangtua; 2015
Xavier Quentin Pranata, 100 Inspiring Stories; 2012