IICS Business Studies Charity Program
HSC Business Studies 2020 created some small businesses and part of their profit they donated to a small school in Bandengan. They donated textbooks, study tables, and milk. But due to the pandemic, they could not meet with the school they helped.
This year, there are 6 businesses created by our Senior High students, they are Funspace, Kensho, Lookbook Apparel, Olympic, Picaboo, and Sweet Tooth. The products and services are created and sold by the students. They were extremely varied but at the same time, it gave them a chance to develop skills of management, leadership, and creativity. The profits they earn are used for charity, particularly in trying to improve the education opportunities around the Jakarta community, specifically in Bandengan area.
This video shows how they can still share their love with other people even though during this difficult situation.