Guide to Choosing a School for Children

Guide to Choosing a School for Children

Guide to Choosing a School for Children

In their children's educational journey, parents want the best. The choice of school is one of the important steps in realizing a successful and meaningful future for them. IPEKA Christian School comes as a solution that offers quality education with solid Christian values. For IPEKA Friends who are currently searching for and choosing a school for their children, here are some guidelines that can help.

  1. Pay attention to the child's internal factors such as age and potential and interests.
  2. Don't forget about the stages of child development. Starting from the way children socialize to their emotional intelligence. Parents should also start guiding children to follow the rules and introduce them to sports and arts that can help brain development.
  3. If your children are old enough, involve them in the school selection process.
  4. Look at the school's system. Don't forget factors such as location, learning hours, and the curriculum used by the school.

These are the 4 things to consider in the Guide to Choosing a School for Children.

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