Loving and Educating Children According to Their Personality Type
Rainbows become more beautiful because of the variety of colors—red, yellow, blue, and so on. Likewise, children are more beautiful with their various characteristics according to God's design for each of them. One of the things we can use to identify these characteristics is through personality traits. Various theories for recognizing human personality are highly developed because of how unique each individual is.
In this article, I refer to one model of recognizing personality types, namely the DISC model. As we may already know, the DISC model divides personality into four basic personalities: Dominant, Influencing (Intimate), Steadiness (Stable), Compliance (Careful). The following is a description of the personality of the DISC model:
Everyone has personality elements that fall into this quadrant. Through this model, we are invited to identify one of the four strongest basic personalities within ourselves and to focus on the strengths and weaknesses of each individual.
Our goal in recognizing personality is not as an excuse for not wanting to improve or giving in to weaknesses, for example saying, “Yes, this is how I am. I can't possibly change." However, our goal in studying personality is to understand ourselves so that we can live more optimally.
Well, how about recognizing the child's personality? Recognizing the child's personality will help parents or educators interact and maximize the child's potential. Parents or teachers will find it easier to understand, reach, and teach students more effectively. The following is an explanation of the DISC model in children:
- Understanding Dominant Children
Children with this model usually want to be in control. They are very energetic. Lots of ideas, competitive, strong-willed, and can act like a boss. Happy to dominate. The challenge in dealing with children of this model is in channeling their urge to obey. Therefore, the secret to conquering them is to give them responsibility.
For example, cleaning their own desks, completing assignments, or reminding them to bring their school supplies. These children, if loved and educated properly, will have the potential to become great leaders in the future.
- Understanding Influencing Children
Children with this model look very fun. They are friendly, vibrant, carefree, fun-loving, somewhat chatty, and forgetful. They also do several things to feel accepted by their environment. That's why it's so important to be positive about them and let them know that you love them for who they are.
For their chatty and talkative tendencies, you can remind them to stop their “talk button” at certain times. Tell them why and it's time to get back to talking and having fun. If loved and educated properly, these children can easily realize their God-given potential.
- Understanding Steadiness Children
Children of this model are easy to manage and rarely make a fuss. They are easygoing, quiet, easy to please, fun to make friends with, and patient. However, they can also be stubborn, nosy, or lazy. Parents can love him by observing his tendency to enjoy being alone. Approach him gently and let him know you're paying attention.
Give them room to grow. Don't force or rush them to do something because their stubborn side will emerge. If loved and educated in the right way, these children will grow up as peacemakers for the environment around them. - Understanding Compliance Children
These model kids want to do everything with perfection. Usually, they are closed, tend to be sensitive, very careful, and perfectionists. They are serious and deep thinkers, tend to be geniuses, and seem moodier.
Parents can love them by encouraging the children in every task they do. Praise them for good work and keep encouraging them if the results are not satisfactory. Assure that in the future they can get better results than now. If loved and educated in the right way, they will become productive and fulfilled adults in their work.
To make it easier for you to identify your personality or your child’s personality below are attached the results of the DISC survey that you and your child can fill out. The results can be immediately known about the strongest personality model in you or your child.
DISC survey results
Choose one answer from among the 4 answers (A, B, C, or D) that best describes you or your child, then put a tick (√).

Well, the total answer with the most point is a picture of the strongest personality model for you or your child.
Finally, congratulations on recognizing and understanding the personality of you and your child. Also, may God enable and help us in loving and educating children.
—oleh Melva Tobing, M.Psi, Psi.
IPEKA Counseling Center
Source of Reference:
Capehart, Jody. (2012). Teaching with Heart. Jakarta: Metanoia Publishing.
Voges, Ken. (2000). DISC Survey. Texas: In His Grace, Inc.